Wednesday, October 24, 2007


PLEASE NOTE: This backstory focuses on Pytlo Zenovka and does not go into detail with the whole backstory of the space station. this story is designed to intertwine with David Green's interpretation behind the secret of the space station and the MMShare and it is assumed that you have read his before you have read mine.

REAL NAME: Pytlo Zenovka

AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5"7'
HAIR: Brunette
EYES: Blue
BUILD: Heavy

Little is known about the upbringings of this SS leader. Zenovka rose to power in the year 2000, his succession brought about a dramatic shift in the SS' role in worldly affairs. He realized the rapid decline of the earths recourses and made dramatic plans to ensure the future of his privileged society's status by taking control of all global recourses.

In 2001, Zenovka began phase one in his plan for world domination. He issued a massive operation to take control of the Middle Eastern oil resources. This was to begin by the destruction of the World Trade Centers in New York, evoking enough fear into the public to support for the invasion of Iraq. This would be followed by a series of staged terrorist incursions, shaking the public with great fear and making them further favor the eradication of the Arab nations. This would allow the SS to take control of the rest of the Middle East by means of military action.

In 2008, Zenovka initiates phase two by creating the 'Alliance of the Willing'. Under the guise that it will work to bring peace and unity among the nations, the SS will use the alliance to spearhead the take over of the middle east and to put pressure on China and India. By doing this, Zenovka's plan was to integrate its influence within the eastern economy and gain control of its growth and profits.

Seeing the growing threat of the SS, eastern nations soon realize Zenovka's intent and form
CRILTO to counter his growing dominance. In response, Zenovka calls on a strategic alliance of western nations in response to this treat, under this alliance Zenovka draws up long term plans to ensure the wellbeing of his secret society.

SS continues with phase 3, Zenovka increases control over social networks and online activity by means of 'TIA' (Total Information Awareness). TIA was a series of intelligence organizations and monitoring programs that were used to gather information on the public for a number of goals including the stopping of potential threats, profile the world population and as well as to gain influence in the thinking and behavior of individuals.

As part of the TIA process, Zenovka founded DELTA DEVISION. DD was the first program to utilize technology in genetics and organic manipulation. Authorized to act outside of ethical constraints and laws on humanity, the DD began to develop a species of genetically modified humans with enhanced brainwave matter and implanted digital receptors. Thus creating artificial human beings with psychic abilities and the ability to directly communicate with global SS networks. These 'super humans' were to act as a self sustained monitoring services that can read the minds of people and get information on what people were thinking and also to directly take care of any threats to the SS by the public, Ultimately they were to become the external components of a much larger mind manipulating machine which will be known as the MMShare. Although, due to the growing crisis in the world, the SS where forced to pull the plug on the project. But before this happened, the DD managed to successfully create the first and only 'Super human'... an achievement codenamed "MrCloakn Dagger". Once fully operational, MrCloakn Dagger was employed by the SS to embark on major covert operations against the CRILTO. MrCloakn Dagger will later go on to become a central figure in the remaining years of earth society.

2010, the growing threat of CRILTO was unexpectedly digger then Zenovka first realized, because of this he was forced to deter his current plans for world domination and focus on eradicating CRILTO.
Zenovka began construction of a space station in the SS
Antarctic base as measurements to protect the SS elite against a prominent nuclear war or viral pandemic.

2015, operation HEGAL failed to destroy CRILTO and the nuclear war final erupted. The SS and
eligible members of the remaining populace survived by relocating to the SS Antarctica Base. CRILTO was destroyed along with most of the earth.

2017+, Zenovka sets himself up as governor of the remaining population and resides in the newly constructed space station along with SS elite. MrCloakn Dagger, now a hugely respected member within the SS community, rises up against the dictatorship of Zenovka. With enough support of the SS to back him, MrCloakn Dagger attempts to seize control over the SS and the Antarctica base. But neither Zenovka nor MrCloakn dagger wanted to risk the destruction of the space station over a civil war, and therefor made no real attempt at hostilities. instead, a division occurred within the SS. Two factions were formed, one was the SS under the leadership of Zenovka and the other was called the NRS (New Reformation Society) under the leadership MrCloakn Dagger, since neither of the leaders wished for violence, a series of negations occurred over the growing tension between the two factions. As tensions reached their peak, the two leaders finally agreed to a joint government over the population. This uneasy alliance was a defeat in the eyes of the two factional members, and tensions remained within the space station.

A secretly formed resistance strikes against the tyranny of the two dictators and their infamous MMShare, a massive war brakes out between the SS and the resistance which shatters the Antarctica community. The result of the fierce battle has completely wiped out the SS and the resistance. Elements of the remaining population is scattered, and the last form of society is gone.

The fate of humanity is uncertain, the space station lies deserted within the vastness of the snowy landscape, all that remains alive within its hull is the MMShare, without a purpose it lays in isolation for hundreds of years... waiting for its power sources to run dry along with whats left of the earth

disclaimer: this is all purely fictional, and relation to a real person or event is purely coincidental.

1 comment:

IRONJ said...

Kool >.<

nice work